
“I believe that if we think about how we can make this world more accessible, the world will be a better place for everyone”.

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“Brailled” prototype. Photo credits: FabLab Budapest.

In summer of 2020, I got a chance to apply for a Distributed Design open call of FabLab Budapest. I was curious to learn more about inclusive design and building products for well-being. Since the topic of eye health is deeply personal for me, I decided to contribute with an open-source project, that would make learning Braille more accessible.

A detailed structure of “Brailled“. Photo credits: FabLab Budapest.

Although the initial prototype went through a lot of changes, thanks to the mentoring and help I got at FabLab Budapest, it turned out to be very simple, yet interactive. The tool includes the printed and tactile English Braille Alphabet, as well as an interactive part that allows learners to copy each letter with six dot-like elements. The main plate of the object is made with a laser cutter, on which the graphic elements are placed with an UV printer; the “knobs” are 3D-printed, each with a magnet inside.

UV printing of the prototype. Photo credits: FabLab Budapest.


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